I'm trying to update a Couchbase doc from one structure to another here is the current structure
"config": {
"160x600": {
"siteId": "123455677"
"300x250": {
"siteId": "123455677"
"300x600": {
"siteId": "123455677"
Desired structure is
"config": {
"160x600": {
"siteId": "123455677",
"300x250": {
"siteId": "123455677",
"size" : [300,250]
"300x600": {
"siteId": "123455677",
"size": [300,600]
Basically I wants to iterate over the keys inside config, split each key on 'x' and assign the resulting array as a value to "size" inside config[key].
Here is an N1QL query I tried (which obviously didn't work, hence this question here);
update AppBucket a set a.config[`size`].size = split(size, `x`) for size in OBJECT_NAMES(a.config) end
where meta(a).id like 'cnfg::40792';
Thanks in advance.
If you need to access the dynamic field you must use array brackets immediately after dot (map access) i.e config.[v] and v must be string or evaluate to string. It evaluates expression inside array brackets, it must be string, then converts into identifier and substitutes it and evaluate rest of the path. ex: config.["xyz"] ==> config.xyz , config.[f1] (f1 is "field1") ===> config.field1
Also split key must be string not identifier i.e. "x"
INSERT INTO default VALUES ("cnfg::40792", { "config": { "160x600": { "siteId": "123455677", "size":[160,600] }, "300x250": { "siteId": "123455677", "size" : [300,250] }, "300x600": { "siteId": "123455677", "size": [300,600] } } });
UPDATE default AS a USE KEYS "cnfg::40792"
SET a.config.[v].size = SPLIT(v, "x") FOR v IN OBJECT_NAMES(a.config) END;
The updated ARRAY will have strings i.e ["160","600"]. If you need numbers use the following command. If string can't convert to number it will converts to NULL.
UPDATE default AS a USE KEYS "cnfg::40792"
SET a.config.[v].size = ARRAY TO_NUMBER(v1) FOR v1 IN SPLIT(v, "x") END