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Redis docker, cannot connect to redis-cli

I am trying to run redis with persistence storage. I followed official docker page of redis fo installation.

I pulled the image using -

docker pull redis

I started redis with persistence storage using -

docker run --name some-redis -d redis redis-server --appendonly yes

And I am tring to connect to redis instance with redis cli with -

docker run -it --network some-network --rm redis redis-cli -h some-redis

It gives me following error -

docker: Error response from daemon: network some-network not found.

I am following the documentation to the point, why is this not working?


  • Both answers give interesting information but lack the main thing.
    In docker, containers may connect to some networks.
    By default if you don't specify any network when you run a container, it will use the default bridge network : inside that network any container can communicate with any other but only via their ip addresses.

    1. With the default bridge network

    You cannot communicate between containers of that network via container name.
    So here docker run -it --network some-network --rm redis redis-cli -h some-redis, the some-redis part is not a resolvable hostname.

    To overcome that, you have to refer the container by its ip address.
    Inspect the container to know that :

    docker container inspect some-redis | grep -i ipaddress

    You should get something like : "IPAddress": "172.17...."

    Now specify the ip address as -h parameter and it should be fine :

    docker run -it --network some-network --rm redis redis-cli -h 172.17...

    That is really not a net/reusable/portable way to make two containers to communicate each other. That is more suitable to experiment things.

    1. With a custom bridge network

    You can communicate between containers of that network via container name.

    Create your network :

    docker network create redis-network

    Run the redis server and connect it to that network :

    docker run --name some-redis -d --network redis-network redis redis-server --appendonly yes

    Run the redis client and connect it to that network :

    docker run -it --rm --network redis-network redis redis-cli -h some-redis

    Now the client can connect to the server instance via -h some-redis.