I am having a problem with my Python 3 encryption program. I am writing code that uses comparisons to check for certain letters in userMessage
, using if
statements, and for
loops. The problem that I am having is that the alphabet pops up between each letter of the encrypted output. For example, if the output is supposed to be amxer
, it is aAmBxCeDr
. Also the second if
statement that checks for vwxyz
is making vwxyz
pop up between the symbols that are encrypted from rolling vwxyz
5 times to the right in ASCII. The second if
statement is to change those symbols into the letters abcde
userMessage = input("your message here: ")
userMessage =userMessage.lower()
def step2():
#for loop
for character in userMessage:
#5:50AM February 24th, 2020
#looking for global variable
global encryptedMessage
if character== "a"or"b"or"c"or"d"or"e"or"f"or"g"or"h"or"i"or"j"or"k"or"l"or"m"or"n"or"o"or"p"or"q"or"r"or"s"or"t"or"u":
eN = ord(character)
eN+= shift
#checking for letters that go to random symbols
if character=="v"or"w"or"x"or"y"or"z":
if character=="v": character=="a"
if character=="w": character=="b"
if character=="x": character=="c"
if character=="y": character=="d"
if character=="z": character=="e"
My code has an output of:
your message here: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
What you are using is an invalid syntax. character == 'a' or 'b'
is same as (character == 'a') or 'b', which is always
'b' is not None`.
If you want to use multiple equals, you have to write them out as character == 'a' or character == 'b' or ...
Alternatively, much better solution (as shown below) is using set()
and the in
operator, which checks whether the character is inside the set, and returns True if it finds it.
userMessage = input("you'r message here: ")
userMessage =userMessage.lower()
FIRST= set(["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u"])
SECOND = set(["v","w","x","y","z"])
def step2():
#for loop
for character in userMessage:
#5:50AM February 24th, 2020
#looking for global variable
global encryptedMessage
if character in FIRST:
eN = ord(character)
eN+= shift
#checking for letters that go to random symbols
if character in SECOND:
if character=="v": character=="a"
if character=="w": character=="b"
if character=="x": character=="c"
if character=="y": character=="d"
if character=="z": character=="e"
And since i only now realised this is a simple rotation cypher, here is another example of how to implement this.
Considering A to be 0, and Z to be 25, you can simple rotate using modular arithmetic as encrypted_char = (char + shift) % 26
. In our case, the letters 'a'
and 'z'
are not on the number 1, but we can easily solve this by substracting, and then adding, the starting value
A = ord('a')
def lowercase_rotate_cypher( message, shift):
accumulator = []
for character in message:
c = A + ( ( ord(character) + shift - A ) % 26)
accumulator.append( chr(c) )
return ''.join(accumulator)
In your case, the shift=5
and message is passed from input.