I inherited the crm.lead model and added a computed Boolean field, unfortunately it is not saved in the db and consequently I cannot operate on the view. This field if true adds a string to the kanban.
<record id="crm_case_kanban_view_leads_inherit" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">crm.lead.kanban (in agreements_crm)</field>
<field name="model">crm.lead</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="crm.crm_case_kanban_view_leads"/>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="activity_ids" position="after">
<field name="need_agreements"/>
<xpath expr="//div[@class='oe_kanban_content']" position="after">
<!-- <t t-if="record.need_agreements.value == false">
<p>No Needs Agreement Creation</p>
</t> -->
<t t-if="record.need_agreements.value">
<p>Needs Agreement Creation</p>
I also tried adding store = True but the results were singleton errors on the computed method
def _compute_need_agreements(self):
type_id = ''
for tag in self.tag_ids:
if self.env['agreements.type'].search([('agreements_label_ids.name', '=', tag.name)]):
type_id = self.env['agreements.type'].search([('agreements_label_ids.name', '=', tag.name)])
if self.stage_id.name == "Won" and type_id and self.agreements_count < 1:
# for record in self:
# record.need_agreements = True
# for record in self:
After several tests I still can't use it, this is the first time that I get this problem.
I solved it by changing my approach
<p attrs="{'invisible':[('need_agreements', '=', False)]}" style="color:Red;">Needs Agreement Creation</p>
using attrs invisible I was able to solve my problem, I don't understand why the Qweb conditions didn't help me