I want to stem my text with my own array:
word_list1 = ["cccc", "bbbb", "aaa"]
def stem_text(text):
text = text.split()
array = np.array(text)
temp = np.where(array == word_list1, word_list1[0], array)
text = ' '.join(temp)
return text
I want to do like this:
for all of the word in word_list1
, check the text and if some word matched, replace it with word_list[0]
You can use list comprehension
word_list1 = ["cccc", "bbbb", "aaa"]
def stem_text(text):
text = text.split()
temp = [word_list1[0] if i in word_list1 else i for i in text]
text = ' '.join(temp)
return text
stem_text("hello bbbb now aaa den kkk")
Output :
'hello cccc now cccc den kkk'