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Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `somecomponentfunction` of type `function` supplied to `myComponent`, expected `boolean`

I am facing this warning and am sure its something related to PropTypes

in my parent component somecomponentfunction and its returning a boolean and am passing the same to child component

in prent component

  somecomponentfunction = () => {
    this.setState({ somecomponentfunction: false })

and am passing to childComponet like

<myComponent somecomponentfunction={this.somecomponentfunction} />

and in child component and am just getting the same in props and am checking the same in PropTypes

 somecomponentfunction: PropTypes.bool,

Can you guys tell what went wrong


  • That's because PropTypes does not execute your function and check if the result returned is a boolean or not. It directly checks what type that prop is carrying.

    So somecomponentfunction is not a boolean, but a function. If you want to have the result of that function you need to either execute directly


    or change the propType control to:

    somecomponentfunction: PropTypes.func