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How to use transcrypt in Python

I'm trying to transpile some simple examples, as the turtle tree example (, using Pyhton 3.7.6 and transcrypt 3.7.16.

Basically, I'm just putting the .py within a folder and transcrypting from cmd doing:

"python -m transcrypt -n";

Everything seems to be ok, no errors are shown. After that, I changed the line 20 of the html file writting "_ _ target_ _/turtle_tree.js", as the output is not within _ _ javascript_ _ folder.

When I open the html it opens blank.

Can anybody figure out what I'm doing wrong? And if someone can provide me some documentation about this library, I would appreciate it.


  • Line 20 should be replaced, obviously within script tags, by:

     type="module"> import * as turtle_tree from './__target__/turtle_tree.js'; window.turtle_tree = turtle_tree;

    Then, from the cmd inside your folder, you have to open an http server:

    python -m http.server

    Finally, from your browser, you have to type:


    It was as easy as following the Transcrypt docs v.v'

    2.2. Your first Transcrypt program: