I have the following code in my WiX project
<CustomAction Id="ExtractHelp" Directory="DocFolder" Execute="commit" Impersonate="no" ExeCommand="[MYAPPINSTALLFOLDER]Doc\help_zip.exe" />
<Custom Action="ExtractHelp" Before="NativeCompilation">NOT REMOVE</custom>
Where help_zip is a 7z SFX archive i created to bundle up our help files and extract them in our DocFolder during install. The only issue is, the files keep extracting to C:\Windows\SysWow64, not the folder specified by DocFolder. Any ideas?
Also, help_zip.exe resides in DocFolder, so it shouldn't even need arguments to output to the directory it sits in, at least as far as I know =\
EDIT I have edited the code above to show my solution. Please note that NativeCompilation is another action we created (not a part of WiX), and NOT REMOVE refers to executing the action when we are not uninstalling.
Try setting the Directory attribute so you can use a type 34 custom action (EXE with working directory). This way you can decide the working directory of the SFX archive.