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How can I create a JavaScript Variable with my php Variable in a While loop?

I am making a web with information from a MySQL database and I want pictures to appear after clicking a buttom.

              echo "<img align=\"left\"src=\"".$path[$y]."\" alt=\"error\">";
              echo "<img align=\"right\"src=\"".$path_edit[$y]."\" alt=\"error\" id=\"$id[$y]\" style=\"visibility:hidden\">";

              echo "_____________________________________";
              echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
                echo "function showImage() {
              echo "</script>";
              echo "<br><br>";
              echo "<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"showImage();\" value=\"Show Picture\"/>";
              echo "<p>";

I want the second image(The one with $PATH_edit[$y]) to appear after clicking in its buttom. (The buttom appears after each couple of images). I have all with echo because It's all in the loop and I want it all to display as many times as number of entrances the database has. I know I can not use the php variables in Javascript, I tried everything but I can't fix it. I am new with php, html and I have no idea ofJavaScript.

This is how it looks like without clicking the buttom I know I can put an id to the image but that will only work for the first one. This is how it looks like after clicking I have also tried this:

echo "function showImage() {
                      var id_id =  \"$id[$y]\";

This is the whole code:

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                Galeria de Mitocondrias.

        require "connect.php";
        $autosuma = 222;
        $database = "tfg";
        $db_found = mysqli_select_db($db_handle, $database);
        if ($db_found) {
          $SQL = "SELECT * FROM id_organulo WHERE mitocondria = 1";
          $result = mysqli_query($db_handle, $SQL);

          while ( $db_field = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result) ) {
            $id[$x] = $db_field['id'];
            $comentario[$x] = $db_field['comentario'];
            $nombre_de_foto[$x] = $db_field['nombre_de_foto'];
            $autor[$x] = $db_field['autor'];
            $path[$x] = $db_field['PATH'];
            $path_edit[$x] = $db_field['PATH_edit'];
            $ruta_perfil_foto[$x] = $db_field['ruta_perfil_foto'];
            $x = $x+1;
            echo "<div class=\"col-full entry__main\">";
                echo "<div class=\"entry__author\">";
                  echo "<img src=\"".$ruta_perfil_foto[$y]."\"alt=\"\">";
                  echo "<div class=\"entry__author-about\">";
                    echo "<h5 class=\"entry__author-name\">";
                      echo "<span>$autor[$y]</span>";
                      echo "<a href=\"0\">$nombre_de_foto[$y]</a>";
                    echo "</h5>";
                  echo "</div>";
                echo "</div>";
                echo "<br>";
            echo "</div>"; // <!-- s-entry__main -->
            echo "<center>";
            echo "<img align=\"left\"src=\"".$path[$y]."\" alt=\"error\">";
            echo "<img align=\"right\"src=\"".$path_edit[$y]."\" alt=\"error\" id=\"$id[$y]\" style=\"visibility:hidden\">";
            echo "_____________________________________";
            echo "<br><br>";
            echo '<input type="button" onclick="showImage('.$id[$y].');" value="Show Picture"/>';
            echo "<p>";
                print $comentario[$y];
            echo "</p>";
            echo "</center>";
        else {
        print "Database NOT Found ";
        <script type=\"text/javascript\">
          function showImage() {
            var id = <?php echo (json_encode($id[$y])); ?>;

          <div class="row pagination-wrap">
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                        <li><a class="pgn__num" href="s_mitocondrias_result_3.php">3</a></li>
                        <li><span class="pgn__num current">4</span></li>


          <p> <h5>Codigo de rotulación:</h5>  </p>
          M: Mitocondrias <br>
          dM: Doble membrana <br>
          cM: Cresta Mitocondrial <br>
          R: Ribosomas <br>
          N: Nucleo <br>
          eu: Eucromatina <br>
          Nu: Nucleolo <br>
          Mtu: Microtúbulos <br>
          Ec: Esterocilio <br>

        <?php $y++; ?>

    </article> <!-- end entry/article -->

Thank you in advance.


  • first a little advice, separate php, javascript and html. Together it is difficult to read and maintain. Otherwise you create a function at each pass of the loop. It doesn't bother me that nothing works like that. Try it like this:

    Send the id of your image as a parameter to the function. A single function, which will be after the loop.

    function showImage(id) {

    and at each passage of the loop send to the function the id of the image like this :

    <input type="button" onclick="showImage(\"$id[$y]\");" value="Show Picture">

    Finally it will give something like that :

           echo '<img align="left" src="'.$path[$y].'" alt="error">';
           echo '<img align="right" src="'.$path_edit[$y].'" alt="error" id="'.$id[$y].'" style="visibility:hidden">';
           echo '_____________________________________';
           echo '<br><br>';
           echo '<input type="button" onclick="showImage('.$id[$y].');" value="Show Picture">';
           echo '<p>';
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function showImage(id) {

    Use ' for echo and not " when displaying html, it's more practical. Good luck for the future