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How to convert MySQL's BIGINT into unsigned without losing data?

I need to convert MySQL database tables column from (signed) BIGINT into unsigned BIGINT. If I do:


Any values that have 63-bit set are reset to 0!

What do I need to do so that all values are converted without any loss?


  • Similar to this

    You can also try to add new column with unsigned BIGINT

             ALTER TABLE `$tblNm`
             ADD COLUMN new_column BIGINT UNSIGNED AFTER flgs;

    Then update casted values in new column by using cast

            UPDATE `$tblNm` 
            SET new_column=CAST(flgs AS UNSIGNED);

    Then drop column flgs

           ALTER TABLE `$tblNm`
           DROP COLUMN flgs;

    Rename the new column with flgs

           ALTER TABLE `$tblNm`
           CHANGE COLUMN new_column flgs BIGINT UNSIGNED

    EDIT In order to execute this in transactions we can update this as following.

             SET autocommit=0;
             ALTER TABLE `$tblNm`
             ADD COLUMN new_column BIGINT UNSIGNED AFTER flgs;
             UPDATE `$tblNm` 
             SET new_column=CAST(flgs AS UNSIGNED);
             ALTER TABLE `$tblNm`
             DROP COLUMN flgs;
             ALTER TABLE `$tblNm`
             CHANGE COLUMN new_column flgs BIGINT UNSIGNED;

    EDIT-2 If there is need to lock tables before starting transactions, the above script will be changed as

             SET autocommit=0;
             LOCK TABLES `$tblNm` WRITE
             ALTER TABLE `$tblNm`
             ADD COLUMN new_column BIGINT UNSIGNED AFTER flgs;
             UPDATE `$tblNm` 
             SET new_column=CAST(flgs AS UNSIGNED);
             ALTER TABLE `$tblNm`
             DROP COLUMN flgs;
             ALTER TABLE `$tblNm`
             CHANGE COLUMN new_column flgs BIGINT UNSIGNED;
             UNLOCK TABLES;

    In this case, you dont need to explicitly write START TRANSACTION