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How can I await my custom data flow block completion?

I'm working with ITargetBlock and have somewhat successfully created a custom data flow block. However, I can't wrap my head around implementing the "Completion" task. I currently define this as:

public Task Completion { get; }

Once I build my data flow line, I attempt to await this completion task but get a "null" object referenced. This is due to the fact that I'm not assigning the completion task to anything.

What should I assign this to? I would think it would automatically be associated with the data flow block but it defaults to nothing...

What should I assign Completion to?


  • When you implement your code Completion should complete once you have called Complete() and all "in flight" work finishes.

    This can be done with a TaskCompletionSource

    public Example<TInput>() : ITargetBlock 
        private TaskCompletionSource<Object> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Object>()
        public Task Completion { get; }
        public Example()
            Completion = tcs.Task;
        public void Complete()
            // We run this on a background thread because we don't want the call to Complete be blocking.
            Task.Run(() => {
                // Wait here for any currently executing async work your dataflow block does to finish.
                // ...
        public void Fault (Exception exception)
            // Cancel here any running work.
            // ...
        public DataflowMessageStatus OfferMessage(DataflowMessageHeader messageHeader, TInput messageValue, ISourceBlock<in TInput> source, bool consumeToAccept)
            if (Completion.IsCompleted)
                return DataflowMessageStatus.DecliningPermanently;
            // ...