I am trying to create a Twitter bot that posts a random line from a text file. I have gone as far as generating the random lines, which print one at a time, and giving the bot access to my Twitter app, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to use a printed line as a status.
I am using Tweepy. My understanding is that I need to use api.update_status(status=X)
, but I don't know what X
needs to be for the status to match the most recently printed line.
This is the relevant section of what I have so far:
from random import choice
x = 1
while True:
file = open('quotes.txt')
content = file.read()
lines = content.splitlines()
The bot is accessing Twitter no problem. It is currently posting another random quote generated by (choice(lines))
, but I'd like it to match what prints immediately before.
Instead of directly printing a choice:
create a new variable and use it in your print()
and your api.update_status()
selected_quote = choice(lines)