I try to use smart pointers with SDL2 and I need a custom deleter. I use this code and get errors C2027 (using the undefined type SDL_Texture) & C2338 (can't delete an incomplete type)
ftexture = std::make_unique<SDL_Texture>(TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, fontData.c_str(), fontColor),
[=](SDL_Texture* texture) {SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); });
This variable in my class looks like this:
std::unique_ptr <SDL_Texture> ftexture = nullptr;
First, TTF_RenderText_Solid()
returns an SDL_Surface*
, not an SDL_Texture*
. SDL_Surface
does not derive from SDL_Texture
Second, you can't specify a custom deleter with std::make_unique()
. The 1st template argument is used as the T
type of the resulting std::unique_ptr
, and the remaining template arguments are used for the input parameters, which are all passed to T
's constructor. In your example, T
is SDL_Texture
, and there is no constructor of SDL_Texture
that takes an SDL_Surface*
and a lambda as input.
To use a custom deleter, you need to specify the deleter's type as a template argument of std::unique_ptr
, which std::make_unique()
does not allow you to do, so you have to use std::unique_ptr
The deleter should be a separate type rather than a lambda:
struct SDL_Surface_Deleter
void operator()(SDL_Surface* surface) {
using SDL_Surface_ptr = std::unique_ptr<SDL_Surface, SDL_Surface_Deleter>;
SDL_Surface_ptr fsurface;
fsurface = SDL_Surface_ptr(
TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, fontData.c_str(), fontColor)
But if you really want to use a lambda, you can do this instead:
using SDL_Surface_Deleter = void (*)(SDL_Surface*);
using SDL_Surface_ptr = std::unique_ptr<SDL_Surface, SDL_Surface_Deleter>;
SDL_Surface_ptr fsurface;
fsurface = SDL_Surface_ptr(
TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, fontData.c_str(), fontColor),
[](SDL_Surface* surface) { SDL_FreeSurface(surface); }
Or, you can just use SDL_FreeSurface()
directly as the actual deleter:
using SDL_Surface_ptr = std::unique_ptr<SDL_Surface, decltype(&SDL_FreeSurface)>;
SDL_Surface_ptr fsurface;
fsurface = SDL_Surface_ptr(
TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, fontData.c_str(), fontColor),