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pygame running very slowly 12fps - Upgraded laptop

I'm relatively new to using python have used pygame as a place to better understand how everything comes together.

I recently upgraded my laptop form a 2012 Macbook to the 2019.

Just wondering why the games I made on my 2012 are running soo much slower on my 2019 macbook. Managing packages with conda.

I don't know much but I suspect it may have to do with either

  • The comp resolution upgrade (which I'm doubtful)
  • method of installation of pygame

Initially, I Downloaded python3 with homebrew and then installed pygame (pygame would show a blank screen) I then installed conda and managed packages through it.

I doubt it has to do with the way I have written it, I'm sure it's quite inefficient but I was achieving fps's of 60 for the same code.

If someone could guide me to where to find out more information It would be greatly appreciated.



  • This seems to be a problem with how MacOS run Pygame. While your game is running, right-click it's icon in the Dock and select Show in Finder. Then in the Folder that shows up, you will see the Python Interpreter executable. Right-click it and click Get Info, and under General check the Open in Low Resolution.

    Now your game should run fine. And no, Pygame's resolution will not be "Low".