I'm trying to use Spotipy, one of spotify API, in Python, you can find this here
Everything was working (I haven't done much except for all the beginning part) until I tried to play some music with the start_playback() function.
In the documention, it was said that the scope have to be user-read-playback-state, which is, but even with this scope, this is not working.
Here is what I wrote :
scope = 'user-read-playback-state'
token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username,
# création of spotify object
spotifyObject = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token)
# the url of one of my playlist
iden = "6a0PMD9AsNoK3XD5Nnheig"
# here, I want to play a music of the paylist i've just chosen
spotifyObject.start_playback(context_uri = iden)
# and the problem is here
the problem is : https://api.spotify.com/v1/me/player/play: Permissions missing
and I don't understand why, and i'm pretty new so maybe it's a newbie mistake or something else Thanks for your future help :)
I found how to 'repair' it ! the scope have to be : 'streaming' and the url of the playlist have to be the complete one, so spotify:playlist:6a0PMD9AsNoK3XD5Nnheig instead of 6a0PMD9AsNoK3XD5Nnheig
i'll be happy if it helps someone too :)