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Ambiguous column name when joining tables with FluentSQLite

I am trying to write a route that returns all the posts written by users who are followed by a particular user. This is the data model that I'm using:

struct Follow: Content, SQLiteModel, Migration {
    var id: Int?
    var follower: String
    var following: String

struct Post: Content, SQLiteModel, Migration {
    var id: Int?
    var username: String
    var message: String

struct User: Content, SQLiteStringModel, Migration {
    var id: String?
    var password: String

And this is the route:

router.get(String.parameter, "timeline") { req -> Future<[Post]> in
    let username = try

    return Follow.query(on: req).filter(\Follow.follower == username).join(\Follow.following, to: \Post.username).alsoDecode(Post.self).all().map { tuples in
        return { tuple in
            return tuple.1

The code compiles, but at runtime I get this JSON error dictionary:

{"error":true,"reason":"ambiguous column name:"}

And I also have an idea that the problem is that since I am making a join, then there is a duplicate id field (,, but how to solve this problem? in sql I would just specify something like 'as followId' in order to rename the field, but how to do this in FluentSQLite?


This is how I modified the "timeline" route in the end:

return User.find(username, on: req).flatMap { user in
    guard let user = user else {
        throw Abort(.notFound)

    return try user.followers.query(on: req)
        .join(\Post.username, to:\FollowUp.following)
        .flatMap { tuples in
        return { tuple in
            return tuple.1

I get this error: "Cannot convert value of type '[Post]' to closure result type 'EventLoopFuture<[Post]>'"


  • Follow is essentially a Pivot table and formally implementing it as one should get rid of your problem. However, you can run into difficulty, See:

    Siblings relationship between same models in Vapor

    So, in your case, make your follower and following fields into User.ID type and add the following to your Follow model:

    struct Follow: Content, Pivot, Migration
        static var idKey: WritableKeyPath<FollowUp, Int?> = .id
        typealias Database = SQLiteDatabase
        typealias ID = Int
        var id:Int?
        var follower:User.ID
        var following:User.ID
        typealias Left = User
        typealias Right = User
        static var leftIDKey: WritableKeyPath<Follow, Int> {
            return \.follower
        static var rightIDKey: WritableKeyPath<Follow, Int> {
            return \.following

    And then create this extension:

    extension User:
        var followers: Siblings<User, User, Follow> {
        return siblings(Follow.leftIDKey, Follow.rightIDKey)

    So, finally, your query becomes:

    return User.find(username, on: req).flatMap { user in
        guard let user = user else {
            throw Abort(.notFound)
        return try user.followers.query(on: req)
            .join(\Post.username, to:\FollowUp.following)
            .map { tuples in
            return { tuple in
                return tuple.1

    You'll need to tweak Post to hold the User.ID rather than username to make the join work.