I am using primeng tree to display json data like this:
<p-tree [value]='dataToDisplayFromConfig' selectionMode='checkbox' [(selection)]='selectedData'>
The JSON data is being read into dataToDisplayFromConfig. I want to make certain nodes invisible on basis of visible property that comes from this json:
"label": "f",
"children": [
"label": "",
"visible": true,
"data": "f"
"label": "s",
"visible": false,
"data": "s"
how can we achieve it?
Thanks, in advance.
interface has no options to hide or show an item so you have to create a function that filter the children nodes and return the visible only
I have update the interface to include the visible option like this
export interface NewTreeNode extends TreeNode {
visible?: boolean;
children?: NewTreeNode[];
method will loop throw the node and sub node and remove any node with visible equal false
getValidTreeNodeItems(treeNodes: NewTreeNode[]): NewTreeNode[] {
const validItems = treeNodes.filter(i => i.visible !== false);
validItems.forEach(i => {
if (i.children) {
i.children = this.getValidTreeNodeItems(i.children);
return validItem;