I'm using rails 6, rails admin and rails_admin_import
I want to import some data via CVS to my app, this is my Model:
class Contact < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :list
class List < ApplicationRecord
has_many :contacts, dependent: :destroy
and this is an example of my CVS file Structure:
Ali Cate;+573133333333;1
Alan Brito;+5733333333;1
but When I import the file I have this result:
Failed to create : List must exist
Failed to create : List must exist
I've tryed with diferents headers for my CVS file, but I had the same result:
Name;Phone;list id
I found my problem, I need to use , not ; in my CVS file....
but with that change I get this issue:
Error during import: List(#70256226968860) expected, got # which is an instance of List(#70256206360100) (.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.5/gems/activerecord- `raise_on_type_mismatch!')
Well I found the solution Here: https://github.com/stephskardal/rails_admin_import/issues/88
I only needed to restart the server