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materialize css hover effect not working properly

Trying to add hover effect for the div contain the img with the class: materialboxed

unfortunately, it is not working together. Any ideas? <

    <div class="masonry tiles">
                 <div class="col s4 tile gallery item">
         <img src="" alt="" class="materialboxed responsive-img">
                         <div class="details">
                             <span class="title">Title</span>
                             <span class="description">Description</span>


  • Ok, several things wrong here:

    1) You haven't included jQuery, but you're trying to initialise materialbox with jQuery. So either include jQuery in your project/pen, or use the vanilla JS initialisation as per the documentation.

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
        var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.materialboxed');
        var instances = M.Materialbox.init(elems);
      // Or with jQuery

    Here is a codepen using jQuery and fixed up a little.

    2) If you look at your code, you've got a random image right at the bottom before your scripts:

    <div class="masonry tiles">
                         <div class="col s4 tile gallery item">
                 <img src="" alt="" class="materialboxed responsive-img">
                                 <div class="details">
                                     <span class="title">Title</span>
                                     <span class="description">Description</span>
    <!-- What is this image? -->
    <img src="" alt="" class="materialboxed responsive-img">

    3) I took off .responsive-img and instead set .materialboxed to be width: 100%

    .materialboxed {

    I'm not really sure what you're trying to achieve. Hope this helps in some way.