I want to open an Angular Material Dialog when I click on a leaflet circle. The Dialog appears but with strange behavior. This strange behavior doesn't appear when I open the Dialog with a normal Button (click) event.
I try to call the function like this. I bind an onClickCircles function to my circle.
let line = L.circle(latlngEx, { radius: this.circles[i].radius }).on(
and when the circle is pressed I open the dialog
onClickCircles(e) {
const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(MarkerdetailComponent, {
width: "300px",
data: { event: e, collection: "circles" }
dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => {
When call onClickCircle(e) from anywhere else, it works fine. I guess because .bind(this) instantiates my component again and it hast to load the whole component before the dialog appears correct. But I am not sure of this and don't know if there is a work around.
This Error happens because the code inside the click function is not executed in an Angular context. It can be fixed by using NgZone.
let line = L.circle(latlngEx, { radius: this.circles[i].radius }).on(
e => {
this.zone.run(() => {