Search code examples

Soap client throwing Unexpected element exception

I have a 3rd party SOAP service. When I call the end point of the service using POSTMAN it sends the data back

POST - https://localhost:8443/api/PatronSearch


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""

Response in POSTMAN

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
        <PatronList xmlns:ns2="" xmlns="">
            <Patron xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="EmployeeData">
                <Email>[email protected]</Email>

but when I try to access same service using java then it is throwing me following error Unexpected element findPatron found.   Expected {}PatronSearch.

Here is the method from where I am calling this service

public PatronList getPatronInfo(PatronSearch patronSearch) {
        template = new WebServiceTemplate(marshaller);

        JAXBElement<PatronSearch> jaxbElement = new JAXBElement<PatronSearch>(new QName("", "findPatron"),
                PatronSearch.class, patronSearch);

        PatronList patronList = (PatronList) template
                .marshalSendAndReceive("https://localhost:8443/api/PatronSearch", jaxbElement);

        return patronList;

here is the snap shot of wsdl

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Created with Liquid XML Studio Developer Edition (>
<definitions xmlns:soap="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:mime="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:http="" name="myservice" targetNamespace="" xmlns="">
        <xs:schema xmlns:tns="">
            <xs:import schemaLocation="MyServiceWebService.xsd" namespace="" />
    <message name="PatronSearch">
        <part xmlns:q1="" name="search" element="q1:PatronSearch" />
    <message name="PatronList">
        <part xmlns:q1="" name="list" element="q1:PatronList" />
    <portType name="MyServiceWebServiceType">
    <operation name="findPatron">
            <input xmlns:q1="" name="findPatron" message="q1:PatronSearch" />
            <output xmlns:q1="" name="listPatron" message="q1:PatronList" />
            <fault xmlns:q1="" name="fout" message="q1:Fault" />

        <binding xmlns:q1="" name="MyServiceWebServiceSoapBinding" type="q1:MyServiceWebServiceType">
        <soap:binding transport="" />
        <operation name="findPatron">
            <input name="findPatron" />
            <output name="listPatron" />
            <fault name="fout" />
    <service name="MyServiceWebService">
        <port xmlns:q1="" name="MyServiceWebServicePort" binding="q1:MyServiceWebServiceSoapBinding">
            <soap:address location="https://localhost:8443/api" />

any suggestion what I am doing wrong or a better way to call the service.


  • Error message states: "Expected {}PatronSearch". Supply appropriate namespace and local name when constructing QName:

    JAXBElement<PatronSearch> jaxbElement = new JAXBElement<PatronSearch>(new QName("", "PatronSearch"), PatronSearch.class, patronSearch);