I'm not a developer but I need to install ruby tools from time to time. Can someone please explain in simple words the following terms:
Thanks in advance
Ruby on Rails (or just Rails for short) is a web development framework written in the Ruby language. It's basically just a set of tools and standards that allow you to create websites easier and faster.
Ruby Gems (or just gems for short) are plugins, extensions, libraries, etc. for Ruby. Some are specifically created for Rails and even Rails itself is actually a gem.
Bundler handles installing and using the right gems for Ruby projects (like Rails). It examines all of your project's gem dependencies and the dependencies of their dependencies and determines an exact list of gems and correct gem versions that will be available to your project. Bundler is also, itself a gem.
If you've had some Linux experience, you could say that Rails is like Gnome, gems are like debs or rpms and Bundler is like apt or yum.