Is there a way to define a custom formly type with two inputs at once without the black line coming from material.
What i need is a formly number input with a slider. The user should be able to normally type in the input and change the given value.
Something like this:
My approach:
Extending the custom component in my FormlyModule.forRoot({types:[...]})
name: 'custom-test-input',
component: FormlyTestInputComponent,
The template:
<input matInput
I know how to bind both values using to.bindValue
(not in the sample code above) but after extending input i have this this input field line located under my whole form-field which i think is coming from mat-form-field
Is there a way to shrink this line, put it under the input field and keep this in one custom type? Thank you for help!
I found a way to hide the mat-form-field-underline after having a look on the implementation.
Using the defaultOptions which can be set on a custom form in the types array to access the hideFieldUnderline attribute(boolean) was the solution.
This is how you disable the Underline on a form which extends the custom form.
types: [{
name: 'custom-slider-input',
component: FormlyCustomSliderInputComponent,
defaultOptions: {
templateOptions: {
hideFieldUnderline: true, //is hiding underline