I have a SQL table with one column in the end. I group by id and string_agg titles.
ID Title
1 a
1 a
1 b
2 c
2 a
I have this table below right now.
I want to count each value in each row in string agg as a new column. I tried count distinct or Count("a") which returned count of all values in one row. My expected outcome would be
Titles count_a count_b count_c count_all
a,a,b 2 1 0 3
c,a 1 0 1 2
Is this possible to calculate in SQL?
You can use conditional aggregation:
select id, string_agg(title, ',' order by title) as titles,
countif(title = 'a') as num_as,
countif(title = 'b') as num_bs,
countif(title = 'c') as num_cs,
count(*) as total
from t
group by id;