Hoping you are well. I am fairly new to prolog and I am having an issue with a code that I am writing. The purpose of the code is quite simple. It adds each element from a list until the last one. Something I could do in Java as:
static void add(double[] array){
double x = .0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i)
x += array[i];
However, I have been scratching my head about how to do it in prolog. I have the following code
add_list([], X):- write(X).
add_list([Head|Tail],X) :-
Y is Head,
X is 0 + Y, %initialize X and add Y every time it runs.
add_list(Tail, X).
The error I do get is that the variable X is already bounded when the code runs for the second time which makes sense, but I don't really know how to go about solving the issue.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Prolog programs are relations. Using a name starting with add_
sounds more like an imperative program. If you want to learn Prolog, avoid such names as much as you can. In this case you want to establish a relation between a list and the sum of its elements. list_sum/2
sounds like a much better name.
:- use_module(library(clpz)). % or clpfd
:- op(150, fx, #).
list_sum([], 0).
list_sum([E|Es], S) :-
#S #= #E + #Si,
list_sum(Es, Si).
Now, given that definition, try it out!
?- list_sum([1,2,3], N).
N = 6.
?- list_sum([1,2,3], 7).
?- list_sum([1,2,E], 7).
E = 4.
?- list_sum([1,E,E], 7).
E = 3.