I have a matrix A
A = [nan nan 1 0 nan]
How do I convert matrix A
to cell, and replace nan
with '-'
, so a new B
cell array will look like this:
B = {'-' '-' 1 0 '-'}
I tried
A = mat2cell(A);
A = num2str(A);
A(cellfun(@isNaN,A,'uniformoutput',false)) = {'-'};
This is not working.
I think you can try num2cell
B = num2cell(A);
B(cellfun(@isnan,B)) = {"_"};
which gives
>> B
B =
[1,1] = _
[1,2] = _
[1,3] = 1
[1,4] = 0
[1,5] = _