I'm using QnAMaker in the back end for my chat bot, which is running in direct line bot channel. I want to display some answers in bulleted / numbered format.
I tried some methods mentioned in some websites including this one.
like this
"Hi, Below is my list\n\n"+ "* Item 1\n\n"+ "* Item 2\n\n"+ "Item 1 ");
Also, I want to know if its possible to display table of data / or any HTML data as bot's reply.
If someone has any solution for this issue, please let me know
Seems you are trying to format your text in Azure Bot Framework
. After having look on your code, I got to know, you are almost there, but approach was not correct.
You could try following way
Unordered list :
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text("Hi, Below is my unordered list " + Environment.NewLine+ " 1. Item 1\r2. **Bold Item 2**\r3. **" + YourDynamicObject + "**"), cancellationToken);
Ordered list :
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text("Hi, Below is my ordered list " + Environment.NewLine+ " - Item 1\r- **Bold Item 2**\r- [Hyperlink](https://stackoverflow.com/users/9663070/md-farid-uddin-kiron) 3"), cancellationToken);
See the screen shot below:
How Would You Do It:
I have already given you code example above, additionally keep in mind the space between the syntax for example when you would make hyperlink
you have to follow it's structure like [title](URL)
but if you put space after title angle bracket []
it won't work as expected, also for bold Bold it shouldn't contain any space before and after. Same things happened with your code.
Another issue is new line
you could use \n\n
even Environment.NewLine
I want to know if its possible to display table of data / or any HTML data as bot's reply?
The answer is
unfortunately you cannot display table data on bot at this moment. But it support fewHTML Tag
hope you got your answer.
If you would like to know more about Azure Bot Card Formatting
you could refer official document
Hope it would help and feel free to ask when you would encounter any question in mind.