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Rolling back knex transaction using raw SQL expressions

I have an array of raw SQL expressions I want to pass to knex.

const rawExpressions = ["CREATE TABLE new_table (id INT(6) UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,email VARCHAR(50))","INSERT INTO new_table (firstname, lastname, email)VALUES (\"Test\", \"Name\", \"[email protected]\")", "INSERT INTO new_table (firstname, lastname, wrongfield) VALUES (\"Another\", \"Name\", \"[email protected]\")"]

knex.transaction(trx => {
  const queries: any[] = [];
  rawExpressions.forEach(async expression => {
    const query = knex.raw(expression).transacting(trx)

}).catch(error => console.log('error', error))

This works if there's no error, but if there's an error (in the rawExpressions above there's a wrongfield) I want it to not commit any part of the expressions and rollback. Instead it performs the first two expressions (creates table and inserts). Any idea what's going wrong?


  • It is related to the fact that DDL (Data Definition Language) can't be mixed with DML(Data Manipulation Language) in transactions.

    DDL statements and operations with nontransactional engines do not "register" in thd->transaction lists, and thus do not modify the transaction state. Besides, each DDL statement in MySQL begins with an implicit normal transaction commit (a call to end_active_trans()), and thus leaves nothing to modify. However, as noted above for CREATE TABLE .. SELECT, some DDL statements can start a new transaction.