I have a share on the root of C:\ on a remote computer IMPC-1111, and I'm trying to add a user /w access masks:
FullControl = 2032127
Change = 1245631
[ReadOnly] = 1179817
I've figured out how to read them....but cannot figure out how to write/change them. This is the code I use to read them.
Private Function GetSharedFolderAccessRule() As DataTable
Dim DT As DataTable = New DataTable()
Dim Con As ConnectionOptions = New ConnectionOptions
Con.Username = "Username"
Con.Password = "Password"
'Dim Scope As ManagementScope = New ManagementScope("\\.\root\cimv2", Con)
Dim Scope As ManagementScope = New ManagementScope("\\IMPC-1111\root\cimv2", Con)
Dim Query As ObjectQuery = New ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting")
Dim Searcher As ManagementObjectSearcher = New ManagementObjectSearcher(Scope, Query)
Dim QueryCollection As ManagementObjectCollection = Searcher.[Get]()
For Each SharedFolder As ManagementObject In QueryCollection
If True Then
Dim ShareName As String = CType(SharedFolder("Name"), String)
Dim Caption As String = CType(SharedFolder("Caption"), String)
Dim LocalPath As String = String.Empty
Dim Win32Share As ManagementObjectSearcher = New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT Path FROM Win32_share WHERE Name = '" & ShareName & "'")
For Each ShareData As ManagementObject In Win32Share.[Get]()
LocalPath = CType(ShareData("Path"), String)
Dim Method As ManagementBaseObject = SharedFolder.InvokeMethod("GetSecurityDescriptor", Nothing, New InvokeMethodOptions())
Dim Descriptor As ManagementBaseObject = CType(Method("Descriptor"), ManagementBaseObject)
Dim DACL As ManagementBaseObject() = CType(Descriptor("DACL"), ManagementBaseObject())
For Each ACE As ManagementBaseObject In DACL
Dim Trustee As ManagementBaseObject = CType(ACE("Trustee"), ManagementBaseObject)
Dim Row As DataRow = DT.NewRow()
Row("ShareName") = ShareName
Row("Caption") = Caption
Row("Path") = LocalPath
Row("Domain") = CType(Trustee("Domain"), String)
Row("User") = CType(Trustee("Name"), String)
Row("AccessMask") = CType(ACE("AccessMask"), UInt32)
Row("AceType") = CType(ACE("AceType"), UInt32)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace, ex.Message)
End Try
Return DT
End Function
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is this even possible to write using WMI?
You can use the Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting
method to modify the share permissions. Modifying the existing permissions works as follows...
to get the share's security descriptor as a Win32_SecurityDescriptor
, AceFlags
, AceType
, and Trustee
properties of the access control entry.
or Name
(and Domain
) property of the trustee.
class or its derivatives would be one way to get these values.Deny
entries are ordered before Allow
property of the security descriptor to the new access control list.SetSecurityDescriptor()
to save the share's security descriptor.The following class contains methods to get the properties of a share and, in particular, add a new access control entry via the AddAccessControlEntry()
Imports System.Management
Imports System.Security.AccessControl
Friend Class ShareSecurity
Private ReadOnly Property ShareName As String
Private ReadOnly Property GetOptions As ObjectGetOptions
Private ReadOnly Property Scope As ManagementScope
Public Sub New(host As String, shareName As String, username As String, password As String)
Me.ShareName = shareName
GetOptions = New ObjectGetOptions()
Scope = New ManagementScope(
New ManagementPath() With {
.NamespacePath = "root\cimv2",
.Server = host
New ConnectionOptions() With {
_ ' ***** For demonstration purposes only! *****
_ 'TODO: Find a secure way to store the remote password
.Password = password,
.Username = username
End Sub
Public Function GetShareProperties() As IDictionary(Of String, Object)
Dim sharePath As New ManagementPath($"Win32_Share.Name=""{ShareName}""")
Using share As New ManagementObject(Scope, sharePath, GetOptions)
Return GetPropertyDictionary(share)
End Using
End Function
Public Function GetShareSecurityDescriptorProperties() As IDictionary(Of String, Object)
Using shareSecurity As ManagementObject = GetShareSecurity()
Using securityDescriptor As ManagementBaseObject = GetShareSecurityDescriptor(shareSecurity)
Return GetPropertyDictionary(securityDescriptor)
End Using
End Using
End Function
Public Sub AddAccessControlEntry(entryType As AceType, entryRights As FileSystemRights, securityIdentifier As String)
trustee("SIDString") = securityIdentifier
End Sub
End Sub
Public Sub AddAccessControlEntry(entryType As AceType, entryRights As FileSystemRights, domain As String, account As String)
trustee("Domain") = domain
trustee("Name") = account
End Sub
End Sub
''' <param name="trusteeInitializer">Initializes the Win32_Trustee instance for the access control entry to be added.</param>
Public Sub AddAccessControlEntry(entryType As AceType, entryRights As FileSystemRights, trusteeInitializer As Action(Of ManagementObject))
Using shareSecurity As ManagementObject = GetShareSecurity()
Using securityDescriptor As ManagementBaseObject = GetShareSecurityDescriptor(shareSecurity)
Dim accessControlEntries As ManagementBaseObject() = DirectCast(securityDescriptor("DACL"), ManagementBaseObject())
' The class must not be created in the remote scope otherwise CreateInstance()
' throws "System.UnauthorizedAccessException: 'Access is denied'."
Using accessControlEntryClass As New ManagementClass("Win32_ACE")
Using accessControlEntry As ManagementObject = accessControlEntryClass.CreateInstance()
accessControlEntry("AccessMask") = CUInt(entryRights)
accessControlEntry("AceFlags") = CUInt(AceFlags.None)
accessControlEntry("AceType") = CUInt(entryType)
' The class must not be created in the remote scope otherwise CreateInstance()
' throws "System.UnauthorizedAccessException: 'Access is denied'."
Using trusteeClass As New ManagementClass("Win32_Trustee")
Using trustee As ManagementObject = trusteeClass.CreateInstance()
accessControlEntry("Trustee") = trustee
' Create a new access control list including the new access control
' entry, sorted with Deny entries first (true sorts after false)
' https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/secauthz/order-of-aces-in-a-dacl
securityDescriptor("DACL") = accessControlEntries _
.Append(accessControlEntry) _
.OrderByDescending(Function(entry) CType(entry("AceType"), AceType)) _
SetShareSecurityDescriptor(shareSecurity, securityDescriptor)
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Private Function GetShareSecurity() As ManagementObject
Dim shareSecurityPath As New ManagementPath($"Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting.Name=""{ShareName}""")
Return New ManagementObject(Scope, shareSecurityPath, GetOptions)
End Function
Private Function GetShareSecurityDescriptor(shareSecurity As ManagementObject) As ManagementBaseObject
' Create an array to store the output parameter
Dim invokeParameters(0) As ManagementBaseObject
Dim invokeResult As UInteger = shareSecurity.InvokeMethod("GetSecurityDescriptor", invokeParameters)
If invokeResult = 0 Then
Return invokeParameters(0)
'TODO: Handle failure of GetSecurityDescriptor()...
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
Private Sub SetShareSecurityDescriptor(shareSecurity As ManagementObject, securityDescriptor As ManagementBaseObject)
' Create an array to store the input parameter
Dim invokeParameters() As ManagementBaseObject = {securityDescriptor}
Dim invokeResult As UInteger = shareSecurity.InvokeMethod("SetSecurityDescriptor", invokeParameters)
If invokeResult <> 0 Then
'TODO: Handle failure of SetSecurityDescriptor()...
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetPropertyDictionary(obj As ManagementBaseObject) As IDictionary(Of String, Object)
Return obj.Properties _
.Cast(Of PropertyData)() _
Function([property]) [property].Name,
' Recursively create dictionaries in place of management objects
Dim baseObjectArray As ManagementBaseObject() = TryCast([property].Value, ManagementBaseObject())
If baseObjectArray IsNot Nothing Then
Return baseObjectArray.Select(AddressOf GetPropertyDictionary).ToArray()
Dim baseObject As ManagementBaseObject = TryCast([property].Value, ManagementBaseObject)
If baseObject IsNot Nothing Then
Return GetPropertyDictionary(baseObject)
Return [property].Value
End If
End If
End Function
End Function
End Class
The following program uses the above ShareSecurity
class to display the properties of a remote share and, optionally, add a new access control entry to it...
Imports System.Security.AccessControl
Public Class Program
Public Shared Sub Main(args As String())
If args Is Nothing OrElse args.Length = 0 Then
ElseIf args.Length < 4 Then
DisplayError("Too few arguments.")
Dim host As String = args(0)
Dim shareName As String = args(1)
Dim username As String = args(2)
' ***** For demonstration purposes only! *****
'TODO: Find a secure way to store the remote password
Dim password As String = args(3)
Dim shareSecurity As New ShareSecurity(host, shareName, username, password)
If args.Length > 4 Then
If args.Length <> 7 AndAlso args.Length <> 8 Then
DisplayError("Argument count mismatch.")
Dim entryType As AceType
If Not [Enum].TryParse(args(4), True, entryType) Then
DisplayError($"Invalid <type> value ""{args(4)}"".")
Dim entryRights As FileSystemRights
If Not [Enum].TryParse(args(5), True, entryRights) Then
DisplayError($"Invalid <rights> value ""{args(5)}"".")
DisplayTextWithSeparator("New access control entry")
Console.WriteLine($" Type: {entryType}")
Console.WriteLine($" Rights: {entryRights}")
If args.Length = 7 Then
Dim securityIdentifier As String = args(6)
Console.WriteLine($" SID: {securityIdentifier}")
shareSecurity.AddAccessControlEntry(entryType, entryRights, securityIdentifier)
Else ' args.Length = 8
Dim domain As String = args(6)
Dim account As String = args(7)
Console.WriteLine($" Domain: {domain}")
Console.WriteLine($"Account: {account}")
shareSecurity.AddAccessControlEntry(entryType, entryRights, domain, account)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Sub DisplayUsage()
Dim entryAssemblyPath As String = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location
Dim entryAssemblyName As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(entryAssemblyPath)
Console.WriteLine("Display share properties:")
Console.WriteLine($"{entryAssemblyName} <host> <share> <username> <password>")
Console.WriteLine("Add access control entry:")
Console.WriteLine($"{entryAssemblyName} <host> <share> <username> <password> <type> <rights> <sid>")
Console.WriteLine($"{entryAssemblyName} <host> <share> <username> <password> <type> <rights> <domain> <account>")
Console.WriteLine(vbTab & $" <type> - A {GetType(AceType).FullName} enumeration value.")
Console.WriteLine(vbTab & $"<rights> - A {GetType(FileSystemRights).FullName} enumeration value.")
Console.WriteLine(vbTab & " <sid> - An account security identifier.")
End Sub
Private Shared Sub DisplayError(message As String)
Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: {message}")
End Sub
Private Shared Sub DisplayTextWithSeparator(text As String)
Console.WriteLine(New String("-"c, text.Length))
End Sub
Private Shared Sub DisplayShareProperties(shareSecurity As ShareSecurity)
Dim shareProperties As IDictionary(Of String, Object) = shareSecurity.GetShareProperties()
DisplayTextWithSeparator("Share properties")
For Each propertyName As String In New String() {"Description", "Name", "Path"}
DisplayProperty(shareProperties, propertyName)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub DisplaySecurityDescriptor(shareSecurity As ShareSecurity)
Dim securityDescriptorProperties As IDictionary(Of String, Object) = shareSecurity.GetShareSecurityDescriptorProperties()
DisplayTextWithSeparator("Share security descriptor")
DisplayProperty(securityDescriptorProperties, "ControlFlags", Function(value) CType(value, ControlFlags))
Dim accessControlList As IDictionary(Of String, Object)() = securityDescriptorProperties("DACL")
For i As Integer = 0 To accessControlList.Length - 1
Dim accessControlEntryProperties As IDictionary(Of String, Object) = accessControlList(i)
DisplayTextWithSeparator($"Access control entry #{i}")
DisplayProperty(accessControlEntryProperties, "AccessMask", Function(value) CType(value, FileSystemRights))
DisplayProperty(accessControlEntryProperties, "AceFlags", Function(value) CType(value, AceFlags))
DisplayProperty(accessControlEntryProperties, "AceType", Function(value) CType(value, AceType))
DisplayProperty(accessControlEntryProperties, "Trustee", Function(value) DirectCast(value, IDictionary(Of String, Object))("Name"))
End Sub
Private Shared Sub DisplayProperty(properties As IDictionary(Of String, Object), propertyName As String)
DisplayProperty(properties, propertyName, Nothing)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub DisplayProperty(properties As IDictionary(Of String, Object), propertyName As String, selector As Func(Of Object, Object))
Dim propertyValue As Object = properties(propertyName)
Dim displayValue As Object = If(
selector IsNot Nothing,
If(propertyValue, "<null>")
Console.WriteLine($"{propertyName}: {displayValue}")
End Sub
End Class
Given a share like this...
...with Full Control
granted to Administrators
and Read
granted to Everyone
, calling the program like this...
SO60271689.exe MyComputer "My Share" MyUser MyPassword AccessDenied "Modify, Synchronize" S-1-5-32-546
...or like this...
SO60271689.exe MyComputer "My Share" MyUser MyPassword AccessDenied "Modify, Synchronize" BUILTIN Guests
...produces output like this...
Share properties
Description: This is the share description.
Name: My Share
Path: C:\My Share
Share security descriptor
ControlFlags: DiscretionaryAclPresent, SelfRelative
Access control entry #0
AccessMask: ReadAndExecute, Synchronize
AceFlags: None
AceType: AccessAllowed
Trustee: Everyone
Access control entry #1
AccessMask: FullControl
AceFlags: None
AceType: AccessAllowed
Trustee: Administrators
New access control entry
Type: AccessDenied
Rights: Modify, Synchronize
SID: S-1-5-32-546
Share security descriptor
ControlFlags: DiscretionaryAclPresent, SelfRelative
Access control entry #0
AccessMask: Modify, Synchronize
AceFlags: None
AceType: AccessDenied
Trustee: Guests
Access control entry #1
AccessMask: ReadAndExecute, Synchronize
AceFlags: None
AceType: AccessAllowed
Trustee: Everyone
Access control entry #2
AccessMask: FullControl
AceFlags: None
AceType: AccessAllowed
Trustee: Administrators
Since VB.NET is not my native tongue, here's the equivalent C# code I started with to get things working...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
namespace SO60271689.CSharp
internal class ShareSecurity
private string ShareName
private ObjectGetOptions GetOptions
private ManagementScope Scope
public ShareSecurity(string host, string shareName, string username, string password)
ShareName = shareName;
GetOptions = new ObjectGetOptions();
Scope = new ManagementScope(
new ManagementPath() {
NamespacePath = @"root\cimv2",
Server = host
new ConnectionOptions() {
// ***** For demonstration purposes only! *****
//TODO: Find a secure way to store the remote password
Password = password,
Username = username
public IDictionary<string, object> GetShareProperties()
ManagementPath sharePath = new ManagementPath($"Win32_Share.Name=\"{ShareName}\"");
using (ManagementObject share = new ManagementObject(Scope, sharePath, GetOptions))
return GetPropertyDictionary(share);
public IDictionary<string, object> GetShareSecurityDescriptorProperties()
using (ManagementObject shareSecurity = GetShareSecurity())
using (ManagementBaseObject securityDescriptor = GetShareSecurityDescriptor(shareSecurity))
return GetPropertyDictionary(securityDescriptor);
public void AddAccessControlEntry(AceType entryType, FileSystemRights entryRights, string securityIdentifier)
trustee => trustee["SIDString"] = securityIdentifier
public void AddAccessControlEntry(AceType entryType, FileSystemRights entryRights, string domain, string account)
trustee => {
trustee["Domain"] = domain;
trustee["Name"] = account;
/// <param name="trusteeInitializer">Initializes the Win32_Trustee instance for the access control entry to be added.</param>
private void AddAccessControlEntry(AceType entryType, FileSystemRights entryRights, Action<ManagementObject> trusteeInitializer)
using (ManagementObject shareSecurity = GetShareSecurity())
using (ManagementBaseObject securityDescriptor = GetShareSecurityDescriptor(shareSecurity))
ManagementBaseObject[] accessControlEntries = (ManagementBaseObject[]) securityDescriptor["DACL"];
// The class must not be created in the remote scope otherwise CreateInstance()
// throws "System.UnauthorizedAccessException: 'Access is denied'."
using (ManagementClass accessControlEntryClass = new ManagementClass("Win32_ACE"))
using (ManagementObject accessControlEntry = accessControlEntryClass.CreateInstance())
accessControlEntry["AccessMask"] = (uint) entryRights;
accessControlEntry["AceFlags"] = (uint) AceFlags.None;
accessControlEntry["AceType"] = (uint) entryType;
// The class must not be created in the remote scope otherwise CreateInstance()
// throws "System.UnauthorizedAccessException: 'Access is denied'."
using (ManagementClass trusteeClass = new ManagementClass("Win32_Trustee"))
using (ManagementObject trustee = trusteeClass.CreateInstance())
accessControlEntry["Trustee"] = trustee;
// Create a new access control list including the new access control
// entry, sorted with Deny entries first (true sorts after false)
// https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/secauthz/order-of-aces-in-a-dacl
securityDescriptor["DACL"] = accessControlEntries
.OrderByDescending(entry => (AceType) (uint) entry["AceType"] == AceType.AccessDenied)
SetShareSecurityDescriptor(shareSecurity, securityDescriptor);
private ManagementObject GetShareSecurity()
ManagementPath shareSecurityPath = new ManagementPath($"Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting.Name=\"{ShareName}\"");
return new ManagementObject(Scope, shareSecurityPath, GetOptions);
private ManagementBaseObject GetShareSecurityDescriptor(ManagementObject shareSecurity)
// Create an array to store the output parameter
ManagementBaseObject[] invokeParameters = new ManagementBaseObject[1];
uint invokeResult = (uint) shareSecurity.InvokeMethod("GetSecurityDescriptor", invokeParameters);
if (invokeResult == 0)
return invokeParameters[0];
//TODO: Handle failure of GetSecurityDescriptor()...
return null;
private void SetShareSecurityDescriptor(ManagementObject shareSecurity, ManagementBaseObject securityDescriptor)
// Create an array to store the input parameter
ManagementBaseObject[] invokeParameters = new ManagementBaseObject[1] { securityDescriptor };
uint invokeResult = (uint) shareSecurity.InvokeMethod("SetSecurityDescriptor", invokeParameters);
if (invokeResult != 0)
//TODO: Handle failure of SetSecurityDescriptor()...
private static IDictionary<string, object> GetPropertyDictionary(ManagementBaseObject obj)
return obj.Properties
property => property.Name,
// Recursively create dictionaries in place of management objects
property => property.Value is ManagementBaseObject[] baseObjectArray
? baseObjectArray.Select(GetPropertyDictionary).ToArray()
: property.Value is ManagementBaseObject baseObject
? GetPropertyDictionary(baseObject)
: property.Value
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
namespace SO60271689.CSharp
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
if (args == null || args.Length == 0)
else if (args.Length < 4)
DisplayError("Too few arguments.");
string host = args[0];
string shareName = args[1];
string username = args[2];
// ***** For demonstration purposes only! *****
//TODO: Find a secure way to store the remote password
string password = args[3];
ShareSecurity shareSecurity = new ShareSecurity(host, shareName, username, password);
if (args.Length > 4)
if (args.Length != 7 && args.Length != 8)
DisplayError("Argument count mismatch.");
if (!Enum.TryParse(args[4], true, out AceType entryType))
DisplayError($"Invalid <type> value \"{args[4]}\".");
else if (!Enum.TryParse<FileSystemRights>(args[5], true, out FileSystemRights entryRights))
DisplayError($"Invalid <rights> value \"{args[5]}\".");
DisplayTextWithSeparator("New access control entry");
Console.WriteLine($" Type: {entryType}");
Console.WriteLine($" Rights: {entryRights}");
if (args.Length == 7)
string securityIdentifier = args[6];
Console.WriteLine($" SID: {securityIdentifier}");
shareSecurity.AddAccessControlEntry(entryType, entryRights, securityIdentifier);
else // args.Length == 8
string domain = args[6];
string account = args[7];
Console.WriteLine($" Domain: {domain}");
Console.WriteLine($"Account: {account}");
shareSecurity.AddAccessControlEntry(entryType, entryRights, domain, account);
private static void DisplayUsage()
string entryAssemblyPath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location;
string entryAssemblyName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(entryAssemblyPath);
Console.WriteLine("Display share properties:");
Console.WriteLine($"{entryAssemblyName} <host> <share> <username> <password>");
Console.WriteLine("Add access control entry:");
Console.WriteLine($"{entryAssemblyName} <host> <share> <username> <password> <type> <rights> <sid>");
Console.WriteLine($"{entryAssemblyName} <host> <share> <username> <password> <type> <rights> <domain> <account>");
Console.WriteLine($"\t <type> - A {typeof(AceType).FullName} enumeration value.");
Console.WriteLine($"\t<rights> - A {typeof(FileSystemRights).FullName} enumeration value.");
Console.WriteLine("\t <sid> - An account security identifier.");
private static void DisplayError(string message)
Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: {message}");
private static void DisplayTextWithSeparator(string text)
Console.WriteLine(new string('=', text.Length));
private static void DisplayShareProperties(ShareSecurity shareSecurity)
IDictionary<string, object> shareProperties = shareSecurity.GetShareProperties();
DisplayTextWithSeparator("Share properties");
foreach (string propertyName in new string[] { "Description", "Name", "Path" })
DisplayProperty(shareProperties, propertyName);
private static void DisplaySecurityDescriptor(ShareSecurity shareSecurity)
IDictionary<string, object> securityDescriptorProperties = shareSecurity.GetShareSecurityDescriptorProperties();
DisplayTextWithSeparator("Share security descriptor");
DisplayProperty(securityDescriptorProperties, "ControlFlags", value => (ControlFlags) (uint) value);
IDictionary<string, object>[] accessControlList = (IDictionary<string, object>[]) securityDescriptorProperties["DACL"];
for (int i = 0; i < accessControlList.Length; i++)
IDictionary<string, object> accessControlEntryProperties = accessControlList[i];
DisplayTextWithSeparator($"Access control entry #{i}");
DisplayProperty(accessControlEntryProperties, "AccessMask", value => (FileSystemRights) (uint) value);
DisplayProperty(accessControlEntryProperties, "AceFlags", value => (AceFlags) (uint) value);
DisplayProperty(accessControlEntryProperties, "AceType", value => (AceType) (uint) value);
DisplayProperty(accessControlEntryProperties, "Trustee", value => ((IDictionary<string, object>) value)["Name"]);
private static void DisplayProperty(IDictionary<string, object> properties, string propertyName)
DisplayProperty(properties, propertyName, null);
private static void DisplayProperty(IDictionary<string, object> properties, string propertyName, Func<object, object> selector)
object propertyValue = properties[propertyName];
object displayValue = selector != null
? selector.Invoke(propertyValue)
: propertyValue ?? "<null>";
Console.WriteLine($"{propertyName}: {displayValue}");