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Yarn 2 and dart sass with create react app

I've been trying to update a Create React App to use yarn 2 and plug and play (PNP). When I do use nodeLinker: node-modules in the .yarnrc.yml, I can successfully start the dev-server. Without it, I end up with

./src/App.scss (./.yarn/$$virtual/css-loader-virtual-fe3fa7be11/0/cache/!./.yarn/cache/!./.yarn/cache/!./.yarn/unplugged/sass-loader-virtual-14ae4e1150/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-5-4!./src/App.scss)
Error: A package is trying to access a peer dependency that should be provided by its direct ancestor but isn't

Required package: node-sass (via "node-sass")
Required by: sass-loader@virtual:74ba539c0b6c6c8346ea151c91664bff0bef13782983a6f90ddf1a26160140360771dcf40d0863b46ff7add674bc2c42a37daea25f24f4ea96f7843786460ecd#npm:8.0.2 (via /Users/me/color-contrast-matrix/.yarn/unplugged/sass-loader-virtual-14ae4e1150/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/)


  • It looks like yarn 2 provides a way of overriding a packages dependencies. You have to provide the missing dependency, at least in this case.

    From the docs current link:

    Some packages may have been specified incorrectly with regard to their dependencies - for example with one dependency being missing, causing Yarn to refuse it the access. The packageExtensions fields offer a way to extend the existing package definitions with additional information. If you use it, consider sending a PR upstream and contributing your extension to the plugin-compat database.

    After installing node-sass and adding this config, compilation succeeded.

    # .yarnrc.yml
          node-sass: '*'