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How to pivot without knowing fixed columns in T-SQL

I have a table called balance which I wish to pivot, however it is quite difficult since the column names would be labelled 1,2,3 and balances would be sorted by descending order per customer.

This is screenshot of current table:

enter image description here

And the pivot table:

enter image description here

I reviewed other videos and post but I didn't find a solution to match my current situation what I want to achieve. So the final results would be the customer would be sorted by asc and balances would be sorted by desc. So for customer 3 the highest balance of 500 would be placed in column 1, 300 in column 2 and in 250 in column 3.

Script to create sample data:

select Customer, Balance
into #a
from (
  (1,     250), 
  (2,     500), 
  (1,     205), 
  (2,     600), 
  (2,     700),
  (3,     300),
  (3,     500),
  (3,     250)
) v (Customer, Balance)


  • Demo on db<>fiddle

    You can use ROW_NUMBER() to mark the number of values, e.g: 1, 2, 3.

    Note that: ORDER BY [Balance] DESC to get the generated value as you wish.

        @columns NVARCHAR(MAX) = '',
        @sql     NVARCHAR(MAX) = '';
     SELECT Customer, Balance, Col = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Customer ORDER BY [Balance] DESC)
     into #b
     FROM #a
    SELECT @columns += QUOTENAME(Col) + ','
    from (SELECT DISTINCT Col FROM #b) A
    -- remove the last comma
    SET @columns = LEFT(@columns, LEN(@columns) - 1);
    SET @sql = 'SELECT * FROM ( SELECT Customer, Balance, Col FROM  #b) src PIVOT( MAX([Balance]) FOR Col IN ('+ @columns +')) AS pivot_table;';
    -- execute the dynamic SQL
    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql;


    enter image description here


    Since concatenating strings is undocumented and unreliable. It does not always work as expected. So you should resolve with 2 solutions below

    1. Use STRING_AGG (From SQL Server 2017 and late)
    from (SELECT DISTINCT Col FROM #b) A
    // Output: [1], [2], [3]
    1. Use XML Extensions
    DECLARE  @columns NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''
    SELECT @columns = (
      SELECT QUOTENAME(Col) + ', '
      FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
    SELECT @columns 
    // Output: [1], [2], [3],

    Thanks @GarethD's comment. Check it out on db<>fiddle