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How can I convert EDN output to JSON which has custom readers defined

In Clojure, I am using 'generate-string' function of cheshire ( library to convert EDN to JSON.

It works fine for EDN without custom readers. For ex:

{:foo "bar" :baz {:eggplant [1 2 3]}

(generate-string (edn/read-string (slurp sample.edn))

Output =>
  "foo": "bar",
  "baz": {
    "eggplant": [1,2,3]

But if the EDN has custom readers which calls java code to create new object, then it fails to convert EDN output to JSON.

For ex:

EDN file:
   "version" "1.0"
   "xyz" #xyz/builder "testString"

Clojure code:

(defn getXyz [str]
    (.getXyz (XyzBuilder.) str)

(defn custom-readers []
    {'xyz/builder getXyz}

                {:readers (custom-readers)}
                (slurp filename)

If EDN file looks like above, it fails to generate JSON output since EDN output contains hashcode of the object created like

{"version" "1.0", 
 "Xyz" #object[ 0x6731787b "Xyz [type=type_1]"]}

Is there a way to generate JSON out of above output?

Thanks in advance.


  • Adding custom encoder like below helps to solve this.

        (fn [c jsonGenerator]
            (.writeString jsonGenerator (str c))))