I am trying to convert these lines in Objective-C to swift
- (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication*)sender
NSAppleEventDescriptor* appleEventDesc = [[NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager] currentAppleEvent];
NSAppleEventDescriptor* whyDesc = [appleEventDesc attributeDescriptorForKeyword:kEventParamReason];
OSType why = [whyDesc typeCodeValue];
if (why==kAEShutDown || why==kAERestart || why==kAEReallyLogOut)
they will detect if the app is terminating due to the system shutting down.
I am unable to convert this line
if (why==kAEShutDown || why==kAERestart || why==kAEReallyLogOut)
I guessed something like
let codeValue = whyDescription?.typeCodeValue
if ((codeValue == AEKeyword(kAEShutDown)) ||
(codeValue == AEKeyword(kAERestart)) ||
(codeValue == AEKeyword(kAEReallyLogOut))) {
Is this correct?
or should it be
if ((codeValue == OSType(kAEShutDown)) ||
(codeValue == OSType(kAERestart)) ||
(codeValue == OSType(kAEReallyLogOut))) {
Xcode is compiling it fine, but I am not sure if kAEShutDown
, kAERestart
, and kAEReallyLogOut
are `AEKeywords that can be used there.
I could find no documentation on that, as expected.
Both AEKeyword
and OSType
are a typealias
to FourCharCode
. Technically, they are the same type, therefore it does not matter which you use.
However, since typeCodeValue
is declared as OSType
, then OSType
is the logical choice.
Also, it seems the constants are already declared as OSType
, therefore there should not be any reason to cast them.