Let's consider this minimal example:
SELECT row_number() over() as GID,
unnest(myarray) as letter
SELECT string_to_array('a,b,b', ',') as myarray
) AS T
Now since the table T
contains only one element, the row_number()
function always return 1
even if 3 rows are returned.
So I get:
GID letter
1 "a"
1 "b"
1 "b"
Instead of
GID letter
1 "a"
2 "b"
3 "b"
How can it be fixed ?
Put the unnest
clause right around the string_to_array
call, so that T
has multiple rows already:
SELECT row_number() over() as GID, myarray as letter
SELECT unnest(string_to_array('a,b,c', ',')) as myarray
) AS T
Also I would recommend using WITH ORDINALITY
instead of row_number()
to get indexed array elements:
SELECT gid, letter
FROM UNNEST(string_to_array('a,b,c', ',')) WITH ORDINALITY AS T(gid, letter)
This also works if you want to keep the array-returning select expression
SELECT gid, letter
(SELECT string_to_array('a,b,c', ',') as myarray)
) WITH ORDINALITY AS T(letter, gid)
or use a lateral query:
SELECT gid, letter
(SELECT string_to_array('a,b,c', ',') as myarray) AS T,
UNNEST(T.myarray) WITH ORDINALITY AS U(letter, gid)