I am trying to figure out the aggregate functions in SQL SSRS to give me to sum of total sales for the given information by YEAR. I need to combine the year, the months within that year and provide the total sum of sales for that year. For example: for 2018 I need to combine month's 2-12 and provide the total sum, for 2019 combine 1-12 and provide total sum and so on.
I'm not sure where to begin on this one as I am new to SQL SSRS. Any help would be appreciated!
Ideally I want this to be the end result:
id Year Price
102140 2019 ($XXXXX.XX)
102140 2018 ($XXXXX.XX)
102140 2017 ($XXXXX.XX)
And so on.
your query:
Select customer_id
, year_ordered
--, month_ordered
--, extended_price
--, SUM(extended_price) OVER (PARTITION BY year_ordered) AS year_total
, SUM(extended_price) AS year_total
From customer_order_history
Where customer_id = '101646'
Group By
, year_ordered
, extended_price
--, month_ordered
Provides this:
multiple "years_ordered" because it is still using each month and that months SUM of price.
There are two approaches.
Do this in your dataset query:
SELECT Customer_id, year_ordered, SUM(extended_price) AS Price FROM myTable GROUP BY Customer_id, year_ordered
This option is best when you will never need the month values themselves in the report (i.e. you don't intend to have a drill down to the month data)