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Postgresql update a value in a jsonb array column

I have one table with a jsonb and this data inside:

    "valor": "2025,79",
    "parcela": 46,
    "vencimento": 1570503600000
    "valor": "1987,7",
    "parcela": 47,
    "vencimento": 1573182000000
    "valor": "1950,47",
    "parcela": 48,
    "vencimento": 1575774000000
    "valor": "1912,88",
    "parcela": 49,
    "vencimento": 1578452400000


but now I need in all row, alter the value in "vencimento" from 1573182000000 to "10/10/2010"

it's possible ?

with this code I can split the array in columns and change te value

SELECT id, jsonb_set(d, '{vencimento}',
 quote_ident(to_char(to_timestamp(cast((d -> 'vencimento')::varchar as bigint) / 1000)::date, 'dd/mm/yyyy'))::jsonb
    FROM notificato.requerimento, jsonb_array_elements(parcela) d where id = 1;

but how can I update my row?



  • Collect the values back to a jsonb array with jsonb_agg and assign that to your column:

    UPDATE notificato.requerimento
    SET parcela = (SELECT jsonb_agg(
      jsonb_set(d, '{vencimento}', to_jsonb(to_char(to_timestamp((d ->> 'vencimento')::bigint / 1000)::date, 'dd/mm/yyyy'))
    ) FROM jsonb_array_elements(parcela) d)
    WHERE id = 1;