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Excluding unit tests from external library

I newly replaced spongyCastle by bouncyCastle in an Android project:

implementation "org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:$project.bouncyCastleVersion"

Since then on Jenkins (our CI) it seems that there are tests being executed from this lib, could this be true? I never saw external libs with units tests executing automatically. The issue is now I see many failed tests, for example:

org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.qtesla.QTeslaKeyEncodingTests.testDecodeEncodePrivateKeyQT3P    27 ms   1

Is there a way to exlude al unit tets from an imported library in gradle?


  • To exclude any unit test following can be used in build.gradle:

    android {
      testOptions {
        unitTests {
          all {
            //exclude '**/QTeslaKeyEncodingTests.*'
            exclude 'org.bouncycastle/**'