I have a strange problem with reg expression.
I'm trying to getting out the name of the product in a string like this:
#T55.08 #J60.91 #M1/1 #YT102/0///Tie #G
#T55.08 #J60.91 #M1/1 #YT102/0///Foulard #G
#T55.08 #J60.91 #M1/1 #YT102/0///Pocket handkerchief #G
i'm using tx2re (http://txt2re.com) to create the reg expression but seems that if the product name has less then 4 character the reg exp doesn't work...
This is my regex
/(#)(T)(55\\.08)( )(#)(J)(60\\.91)( )(#)(M)(1)(\\/1)( )(#)(YT)(102)(\\/0)(\\/)(\\/)(\\/)((?:[a-z][a-z]+))(.)((?:[a-z][a-z]+))/is
This expression will capture the name of your product:
/#RT55\.08 #J60\.91 #M1\/1 #YT102\/0\/\/\/(.*)#G/
I assume that #T55.08 #J60.91 #M1/1 #YT102/0///
and #G
never change.