I'm not sure if this is possible, but is there a way in R to run a command and have it save the output into multiple objects based on group? For instance, I wrote a code that calculates what number of employees are in a supervisory role based on their department.
sample <- tibble(department = c("Admin", "Admin", "Office of President", "Office of President"),
sup_status = c("Not Supervisor", "Supervisor", "Not Supervisor", "Supervisor"),
n = c(918, 152, 69, 192))
But, what I really want is a vector of the percentages of supervisors by department. I can get R to produce one long vector of all percentages:
vector_of_all_percents <- sample %>%
group_by(department) %>%
mutate(sum_new = sum(n)) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(percent = n/sum_new) %>%
select(percent) %>%
percent1 percent2 percent3 percent4
0.8579439 0.1420561 0.2643678 0.7356322
My actual data has many departments. Is there a way to adjust my above code to get R produce objects by department automatically, something like this:
percent1 percent2
0.8579439 0.1420561
percent1 percent2
0.2643678 0.7356322
I'm not sure if the slice() or split() commands are what I need, or if this is even possible. Any guidance would be very appreciated!
You can use split
to create a list:
sample <- tibble(department =c("Admin", "Admin", "Office of President", "Office of President"),
sup_status =c("Not Supervisor", "Supervisor", "Not Supervisor", "Supervisor"),
n = c(918, 152, 69, 192))
list_of_all_percents <- sample %>%
group_by(department) %>%
mutate(sum_new = sum(n)) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(percent = n/sum_new) %>%
#> $Admin
#> Source: local data frame [2 x 5]
#> Groups: <by row>
#> # A tibble: 2 x 5
#> department sup_status n sum_new percent
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Admin Not Supervisor 918 1070 0.858
#> 2 Admin Supervisor 152 1070 0.142
#> $`Office of President`
#> Source: local data frame [2 x 5]
#> Groups: <by row>
#> # A tibble: 2 x 5
#> department sup_status n sum_new percent
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Office of President Not Supervisor 69 261 0.264
#> 2 Office of President Supervisor 192 261 0.736
So if you want to access percents for Admin, you just do
#> [1] 0.8579439 0.1420561
Created on 2020-02-20 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)