I have a vector of strings (file names to be exact).
pav <- c("Sn_4Khz_3W_45_130_02_30cm_101mm_",
I'm looking for a simple way to find difference between these strings.
`> char_position_fun(pav) # gives unique character position
[1] 9 12 13 `
`> char_diff_fun(pav) # removes matching components (position and value)
[1] 3_4_5 4_4_5 4_5_0`
Here is my attempt. I decided to split all letters and create a data frame for each string containing position and letter information. Then, for each position, I checked if there is one unique letter or not. If FALSE, that suggests that not all letters are identical. Finally, subset the data frame with a logical condition. In this way, you can see position and letter information together.
strsplit(mytext, split = "") %>%
map_dfr(.x = .,
.f = function(x) enframe(x, name = "position", value = "word"),
.id = "id") %>%
group_by(position) %>%
mutate(check = n_distinct(word) == 1) %>%
filter(check == FALSE)
id position word check
<chr> <int> <chr> <lgl>
1 1 9 3 FALSE
2 1 12 4 FALSE
3 1 13 5 FALSE
4 2 9 4 FALSE
5 2 12 4 FALSE
6 2 13 5 FALSE
7 3 9 4 FALSE
8 3 12 5 FALSE
9 3 13 0 FALSE
If you want to have the outcome as you described, you can add a bit more operation.
strsplit(mytext, split = "") %>%
map_dfr(.x = .,
.f = function(x) enframe(x, name = "position", value = "word"),
.id = "id") %>%
group_by(position) %>%
mutate(check = n_distinct(word) == 1) %>%
filter(check == FALSE) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
.funs = list(~paste0(., collapse = "_")))
id position word
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1 9_12_13 3_4_5
2 2 9_12_13 4_4_5
3 3 9_12_13 4_5_0
mytext <- c("Sn_4Khz_3W_45_130_02_30cm_101mm_", "Sn_4Khz_4W_45_130_02_30cm_101mm_",