This would help me a lot of possible.
Example: Folder1 has 900 files ending in .zip. Folder2 has 300 files that match the ones in Folder1 but in .doc
How can I create a batch script to move files from Folder1 to Folder1-sorted that only have a .doc alternative ending up with a folder1-sorted with only 300 .zip files?
My initial guess was doing dir > list.txt and changing the extension of every line and using this list to copy.. but I guess there might be a more clever solution to doing this.
With the aid of Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
and For
loops you could build an indexed array whose values contain just the filenames for your .doc files, using the ~n
variable modifier, then use another for loop on your .zip files to compare against the array with a nested For /L
@ECHO OFF & Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
CD "your path for parent directory containing folders 1 and 2"
REM build the array using the smaller data set...
PUSHD Folder2
Set "_I=0"
For %%A in (*.doc) Do (
Set /A _I+=1
Set "file[!_I!]=%%~nA"
PUSHD Folder1
For %%A in (*.zip) Do (
For /L %%B in (1,1,!_I!) Do (
If "!file[%%B]!"=="%%~nA" (
ECHO(%%A matches !file[%%B]!.doc
REM command for on Match here