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How to check If file exists in the url before use download.file in R

I have a problem and I don't know how to solve it. I have a list of url direct to download some files.

For example.



In this case the script below works fine, but if one o more urls don't work the tryCatch doesen't return me the message. Somebody, please, could help me and tell me where is my mistake?

  for(i in seq_along(x)) {
  nse.folder = paste0("directory_files/",name_file[i])
  tryCatch({download.file(x, destfile = nse.folder, method='curl')}, error = function(e) "Error: this url doesn't work!")

To test the script I cut, for example the url, like this:


Where should I improve the code ?

Thank you in advance


  • You can use the HEAD request. In R it's available in package httr. The return codes can be found on the Wikipedia. This SO post may be useful.

    A very simple function could be

    urlFileExist <- function(url){
      HTTP_STATUS_OK <- 200
      hd <- httr::HEAD(url)
      status <- hd$all_headers[[1]]$status
      list(exists = status == HTTP_STATUS_OK, status = status)
    lapply(x, urlFileExist)
    #[1] TRUE
    #[1] 200
    #[1] TRUE
    #[1] 200