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How do I upload file to Azure function while publishing the code from Visual Studio?

I have created a Azure Function, which is having a dependency on ini file.

 public class DataProcessingFunction
    public async Task Run([EventGridTrigger]EventGridEvent eventGridEvent,ILogger log)
        string iniFolderPath = $@"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\Ini\";
        string iniFileName = "Sample.ini";
        var iniConfig = FileManager.ReadFile(iniFolderPath, iniFileName);

I have selected Copy if never option in Visual Studio while publishing the code to Azure function Also, I have tried selecting Embedded Resource. But I am not able to find the file

enter image description here

I get an exception

File not found.

Add/Upload option in Azure portal is disabled because I am publishing the function from Visual studio

Question: Do I need to upload file to blob and then refer it in a code?


  • Here is the way to do it.

    ExecutionContext context; // You can modify your function method to take an additional parameter of type ExecutionContext

    public static async Task Run(<.... Other parameters>, ILogger log, ExecutionContext context)

    Then build the path by combining function directory, "templates" is the directory I have in the function app project which is deployed along with other code, emails.html is file within templates (For each of these files you have to set, copy-always or copy-if-newer in the properties.). Instead of templates you can have your .ini file.

    string templatePath = Path.Combine(context.FunctionAppDirectory, "Templates", "emails.html");