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How can I convert VectorSource to RasterSource

In OpenLayers ol.source.ImageVector has been deprecated since v5.
Docs recommended to use an ol.layer.Vector with renderMode: 'image' instead.
But what if I want to get an another raster source at output? (Not a layer)
Is there any workaround?


  • The output from ol.source.Raster is always a raster source. The input can be either a source or layer.

    OpenLayers 4:

    new ol.source.Raster({
      sources: [
        new ol.source.ImageVector({
          source: new ol.source.Vector()

    OpenLayers 5:

    new ol.source.Raster({
      sources: [
        new ol.layer.Vector({
          source: new ol.source.Vector()
        renderMode: 'image'

    OpenLayers 6:

    new ol.source.Raster({
      sources: [
        new ol.layer.VectorImage({
          source: new ol.source.Vector()