Search code examples

How to download the qt mobility examples package in Opensuse 11.2

This example: is not present in the following "qt-mobility-opensource-src-1.2.0" directory:

[17:05:10 Tue May 17] ~/tarBalls/qt-mobility-opensource-src-1.2.0/examples  $ls
annotatedurl             bttennis                   documentproperties     ndefeditor                    sfwecho
audiodevices             calendardemo                notesmanagerplugin            sfw-notes
audioinput               camera                     filemanagerplugin      publish-subscribe             slideshow
audiooutput              connectivity               flickrdemo             qmlorganizer                  sysinfo
audiorecorder            declarative-camera         hapticsplayer          qsystemalignedtimer           todo
battery-charge           declarative-connectivity   hapticsquare           querymessages                 videographicsitem
bearercloud              declarative-location       keepintouch            quickstart                    videowidget
bearermonitor            declarative-messages       landmarkbrowser        radio                         writemessage
bluetoothtransferplugin  declarative-music-browser  logfilepositionsource  samplephonebook
btchat                   declarative-sfw-dialer     mapsdemo               sensors
btfiletransfer           declarative-sfw-notes      mediabrowser           servicebrowser
btscanner                declarative-systeminfo     mobility_examples.pri  serviceinstaller_sfw_symbian
[17:08:20 Tue May 17] ~/tarBalls/qt-mobility-opensource-src-1.2.0/examples  $


  • The FetchGoogleMaps example seems to have been removed from the Qt Mobility examples after version 1.0.0. You could try getting it from one of these older tags, although there is no guarantee that it will work with the recent sources and might have some bugs.


    As the OP has found out, there are currently two improved examples over the older FetchGoogleMaps which can be found here and here.