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Gatling - Check if response body string key is certain value

I have a scenario in Gatling and I want to check if the response body value maps to an error string. The response is a 400:

{"error": "ERROR_1"}

The check is failing with a compilation error:

 http("Some Request")
  .check(jsonPath("$.error") == "ERROR_1")

Also tried saving the error as a variable

.check("${error}" == "ERROR_1")

And realised the .check("${error}".is("ERROR_1")) won't work either since .is only works for ints. The gatling docs don't explain expressions too much either

Any ideas?


  • Your statement that .is only works for ints is incorrect - and this is how you should construct this check.

    Here's a working example with a passing check

    def test : ScenarioBuilder = scenario("test")
      http("test call")
        .body(StringBody("""{"error": "ERROR_1"}"""))

    You can't use == as a gatling check needs one or more HttpChecks and == returns a boolean.