I am currently dispatching queued jobs to send API Events instantly, in busy times these queued jobs need to be held until overnight when the API is less busy, how can I hold these queued jobs or schedule them to only run from 01:00am the following day.
the Queued Job call currently looks like:
there are other jobs on the same queue, all of which will need to be held in busy times
Use delay to run job at a certain time.
Helper for calculating the time, handling a edge case between 00:00 to 01:00, where it would delay it a whole day. While not specified how to handle busy, made an pseudo example you can implement.
private function scheduleDate()
$now = Carbon::now();
if (! $this->busy()) {
return $now;
// check for edge case of 00:00:00 to 01
if ($now->hour <= 1) {
$now->setTime(1, 0, 0);
return $now;
return Carbon::tomorrow()->addHour();