I'm using Protractor on Selenium, MacOS and Chrome. I'm trying to run the same test using an array of elements to provide the test data:
As I read here: Looping on a protractor test with parameters
I was trying that solution but when I run it, my test is not even found:
for(var i = 0; casos.length; i++){
it('obtener $1,230.00 de la cotizacion', function(){
var primaTotal = element(by.binding('vida.primaTotal'));
Output message:
> [14:13:01] I/hosted - Using the selenium server at
> http://localhost:4444/wd/hub [14:13:01] I/launcher - Running 1
> instances of WebDriver Started
> No specs found Finished in 0.003 seconds
This loop is inside my describe function and if I run the test normally without any loop, it runs flawlessly.
As @OptimWorks mentioned in his comment, Data Driven Approach was exactly what I was looking for, and this question provided several good answers.