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Display: none on React component causes huge performance issue

EDIT: This issue is specific to this setup. Please use the code from here if you wish to help. Thanks!

I am using with react to display a map. When I try to hide the map with display: none it starts to freeze up my whole computer. I have worked around this by using visibility: collapse instead, but I would like to know why display: none causes this problem.

The console starts perpetually filling up with warnings:

luma: Device pixel ratio clamped context.js:202:84
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 21535x8218 was too large, but resize to 10767x4109 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawElements: Drawing to a destination rect smaller than the viewport rect. (This warning will only be given once) bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:191695
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 21535x8218 was too large, but resize to 10767x4109 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 20020x7637 was too large, but resize to 10010x3818 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 20020x7637 was too large, but resize to 10010x3818 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 18609x7099 was too large, but resize to 9304x3549 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 18609x7099 was too large, but resize to 9304x3549 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 17297x6598 was too large, but resize to 8648x3299 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Source map error: Error: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
Resource URL: webpack:///./node_modules/
Source Map URL:
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 17297x6598 was too large, but resize to 8648x3299 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 21925x8361 was too large, but resize to 10962x4180 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 21925x8361 was too large, but resize to 10962x4180 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 20379x7772 was too large, but resize to 10189x3886 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 20379x7772 was too large, but resize to 10189x3886 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 18943x7225 was too large, but resize to 9471x3612 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 18943x7225 was too large, but resize to 9471x3612 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 17607x6715 was too large, but resize to 8803x3357 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 17607x6715 was too large, but resize to 8803x3357 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 22314x8510 was too large, but resize to 11157x4255 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 22314x8510 was too large, but resize to 11157x4255 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 20743x7911 was too large, but resize to 10371x3955 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 20743x7911 was too large, but resize to 10371x3955 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 19280x7354 was too large, but resize to 9640x3677 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 19280x7354 was too large, but resize to 9640x3677 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 17925x6834 was too large, but resize to 8962x3417 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 17925x6834 was too large, but resize to 8962x3417 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 16662x6351 was too large, but resize to 8331x3175 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 16662x6351 was too large, but resize to 8331x3175 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 21115x8049 was too large, but resize to 10557x4024 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 21115x8049 was too large, but resize to 10557x4024 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 19626x7482 was too large, but resize to 9813x3741 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490
Error: WebGL warning: drawingBufferWidth: Requested size 19626x7482 was too large, but resize to 9813x3741 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 7141 > eval:201:9
Error: WebGL warning: clear: Requested size 18246x6954 was too large, but resize to 9123x3477 succeeded. bundle.min.js line 15214 > eval:32:60490

I took a look at performance with the React profiler: React Profiler output

In every commit that takes longer to process than normal, it shows AutoSizer taking a long time to render.

Reproducing the problem:

Node version: v10.16.3

  1. Run create-react-app my-app.
  2. Copy code below.
  3. Apply display: none on any element containing the map, including the elements rendered by

WARNING: Reproducing this issue takes up a lot of resources and might crash your computer!

The code


import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';
import 'mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.css';
import {GeoMapChart} from './GeoMapChart'

ReactDOM.render(<GeoMapChart />, document.getElementById('root'));



import * as React from 'react';
import DeckGL from '';
import {StaticMap} from 'react-map-gl';

export function GeoMapChart() {

    const [viewState, setViewState] = React.useState(INITIAL_VIEW_STATE);

    return (
            <DeckGL viewState={viewState} controller={true} width={'100%'} height={'100%'} layers={[]}  onViewStateChange={
                ({viewState, oldViewState, interactionState}) => {
                    const newViewState = {...viewState};

                <StaticMap width={'100%'} height={'100%'} mapStyle={MAPBOX_BASE_LAYER}/>

const MAX_ZOOM = 19;
const MIN_ZOOM = 2;
    latitude: 37.77,
    longitude: -122.42,
    zoom: 5,
    bearing: 0,
    pitch: 0,
    maxZoom: MAX_ZOOM,
    minZoom: MIN_ZOOM

const BASEMAP_TILE_SOURCE_NAME = 'simple-tiles';
const BASEMAP_ATTRIBUTION = `Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, under
<a href=""> CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by
<a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href="">
ODbL</a>.`.replace(/\n/gm, '');
    minZoom: 2,
    maxZoom: 17, // New data will be requested until this level
    pixelScaleFactor: 8,
    tileSize: 256,
    isTms: true,
    topoLayerClusteringSwithLevel: 13,
    maxVisibleRasterLayers: 3,
    maxConfigurableLayers: 26,
const MAP_CONFIG = {
    MIN_ZOOM: 1,
    MAX_ZOOM: 18,
    DRAG_ROTATE: false,
    ZOOM_NO_DATA: 2,

    version: 8,
    sources: {
            type: 'raster',
            tiles: BASEMAP_TILE_SERVERS,
            tileSize: COMMON_LAYER_CONFIG.tileSize,
            attribution: BASEMAP_ATTRIBUTION,
    layers: [
            type: 'raster',
            source: BASEMAP_TILE_SOURCE_NAME,
            minzoom: MAP_CONFIG.MIN_ZOOM,
            maxzoom: MAP_CONFIG.MAX_ZOOM,


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:th="">

  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />

  <title> performance issue</title>

  <div id="root"></div>




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      template: '!!html-loader!./src/index.html'



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  • Upgrading all my dependencies to the latest version solved my issue. Sorry but I couldn't be bothered to pinpoint which package was causing the issue. Maybe I'll spend the time on it later in life. Also on typescript@3.7.5 compiler option skipLibCheck: true is needed.

    Node version 12.16.0


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