I am trying to solve an MIP with a non-linear objective such as sum(a(i)*x(i))/sum(b(i)*x(i))
where a(i) and b(i) are parameters. Since CPLEX cannot extract this expression, I tried using CP.
However, I have constraint stating that the decision variable x(i) should be a multiplier of 2.5, therefore a float. Since CP cannot handle floats, I set x to be an integer, and implied to be multiplier of 25. In every other constraint and expression I divided x by 10, so that the calculations remained the same.
First, I solved the model with the multiplier 5, I got a solution with a very small gap, which is fine. When I changed the multiplier to 25, the model cannot terminated within 2 hours (stucked with a gap of 90%). I believe this happened due to scaling, but still cannot figure it out, since I am not familiar with the CP algorithm.
I am still working to linearize the oblective but, any suggestion on both CPLEX and CP engine solutions will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
have you tried to turn equalities into inequalities to allow some flexibility ?
For instance
using CP;
int scale=1000;
dvar int scalex in 0..2000;
dexpr float x=scalex/scale;
subject to
gives no solution whereas
using CP;
float epsilon=0.001;
int scale=1000;
dvar int scalex in 0..2000;
dexpr float x=scalex/scale;
subject to
using CP;
{int} hm=asSet(1..4);
float epsilon=0.001;
dvar int scalex[1..card(hm)] in 0..20000;
int scale=10000;
dexpr float A[ i in 1..card(hm)]=scalex[i]/scale;
subject to
forall(i in 1..card(hm))abs(A[i]*A[i]-2)<=epsilon;
works fine too